You Can’t Win with Sinners

Righteous men will from time-to-time sin.  They might have even blinded themselves to their sin and are completely oblivious to their crimes.  But if you go to them quietly and respectfully the will often weep at their weakness, beg forgiveness and thank you for your concern and love.  That won’t happen with a sinful man.

A sinner, as in one who lovingly embraces their sin, has no stomach for self-improvement and enjoys his sin too much to abandon it.  He will justify himself usually by attacking you.  If you have no bond with him that he wishes to maintain, he will accuse you of committing the most unpardonable of modern evils, being judgmental.  No matter what his own actions are, they pale to this “crime”.  It makes no difference that it’s the law of God and decency that judges him, and you are merely pointing it out to him.  It’s like the speeder blaming the traffic cop for writing a ticket.

But if the sinner is a thoughtful man he’ll try to place you in no win situation.  If you have no personal experience with the sin, then he’ll tell you that the circumstances are beyond your comprehension.  If you really had any understanding of the conditions you would say nothing.  But if you passed through the same sin and came out on the other side sadder and wiser, well then you’re a hypocrite for condemning what you did in an earlier life.  You can’t win with sinners, you can only love them, pray for them, and hope they survive their sins long enough to repent. While still having the courage to hold them accountable.

You Can’t Win, #sinners, #unrepentent, #judging