From Under the Basket

Let Your Light Shine Before Men

  • What Catholics do Right

    In my last post I told why I wasn’t Catholic by giving five things I think they are doing wrong. However, there are some things they do that I think is very good and protestant denominations would do well to follow their example. There are three things I like that I found by talking to…

  • Why I’m Not Catholic

    In the past there have been a few of my Roman Catholic friends and brothers ask why I’m not Catholic. (Yes, I do think I can consider Catholics as brothers in Christ although I disagree doctrinally with them on several points.) I feel I need to give a response on the issues I have with…

  • Why Hollywood Stinks

    Why is modern entertainment, especially Hollywood, so bad? One of the reasons is that in Hollywood, writing has always taken a backseat. Writers have always been second, if not third, class citizens behind directors, producers, and actors. Whenever a movie has been nominated for best picture, but the director wasn’t, you’ll hear the question “Do…

  • I remember over forty-five years ago sitting in a college class. I can’t recall for sure, but I think it was the Introduction to Management Theory, but it could have been an Introduction to Psychology. Anyways, I was introduced to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. At the time, I recall it being hammered into us that…

  • Eugenics

    A few months back, I watched the YouTube video by TIK History Did Darwin cause Hitler? where the book From a “Race of Maters” to the “Master Race”, by A.E. Saaman is reviewed. The book, and the review takes a look at the history of Eugenics. The video points out some of Saaman’s mistakes as…

  • If you’ve ever seen the Triggernometry YouTube channel with Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster you’ll know that they always end their interviews with the question, “What is one thing we’re not talking about as a society that we should?” I thought of something. The separation of rights and responsibility. We need to realize they both…

  • All Knowing God

    There is a debate as to why an omniscient allows things to happen. Such as why did He choose Saul to be the first king of Israel? Didn’t he know Saul would turn out the way he did if he became king? Or why does God allow horrible thing to happen to innocent people, such…

  • Gym Thoughts

    For years I’ve been going to a gym to lift weights, and there are several things I’ve noticed which either baffle or really irate me, or both. Looking at this, I realize it is mainly generational. Most of the people doing these things are between 25 and 35. Because if they’re under 25 they are…

  • Nehushtan

    I was reading John’s Gospel the other day, the part about Nicodemus coming to talk to Jesus. Towards the end of their conversation Jesus said “Just as Moses lifted up the bronze serpent, so must the Son of Man be lifted up. That caused me to think back about the bronze serpent in the Old…

  • Check Out the New Page

    Hello friends. Sorry for the late post, but I hope you will check out the new page “Lubbock Stories.” These are stories my parents told me about our hometown. Some will seem like tall tales, but my folks claimed everyone was true. Enjoy them. Each one is very short. I’ll be adding more pages with…

  • Why I Oppose the Greens

    When I was living in Colorado Springs my house was a few blocks from the South Gate of the Air Force Academy, and I would drive by it every day going to work. Then about three years before I moved away, I noticed they were bulldozing an area next to the gate. They had stripped…

  • Ugly Baby Contest

    Back when I was in the military there were times when a decision had to be made but all the options were bad. I’d refer to such things as an “Ugly Baby Contest.” Because you hated all the choices and there was no clear good choice. Still, you had to pick something and afterwards you…