What Builds Character

I was once asked “What is a good way to develop good character in the young?” At the time I said I did not know because I saw failings in all the methods that are usually suggested.

I’ve heard people claim that education is best. But if you take a thug and give him a good education all you get is a well-educated thug that knows even more creative ways to inflict pain. Just look at the infamous Nazi SS. Over a dozen of their generals had doctorates. Otto Rasch held two doctorates and commanded Einsatzgruppe C that followed the troops into the Ukraine to kill Jews.  And their General Oskar Dirlewanger was known as one of the worst sadists who ever lived, and he was a professor before the war with his PhD in political science. Also remember that Alexander caused millions of deaths and he was Aristotle’s pupil.

Some claim that religious training will build virtue and character. But look at all the scandals in the Catholic church and the financial as well as the sex scandals of Jim Baker. In my high school years, I personally knew a preacher’s son who knew the Bible inside and out. At a moment’s notice he could debate any of the finer theological points and quote almost the entire New Testament. He was also the worse reprobate I ever knew. He loved nothing more than to brag about all the young girls he deflowered.

Others say that athletics will teach lessons in character. But when you consider how many professional athletes have multiple baby-mamas you have to laugh at that thought. I recall a coach in a small West Texas town having to bail out his star running back from jail so the team could make the playoffs. Add to that the entitlement you see in the kids competing at the lower levels and you have to agree that athletics doesn’t fit the bill either.

So, what does develop character? From my observation, as limited as it is, there is only one common thing in almost every person of good character I’ve known. They’ve all had fathers of good character involved in their lives. Every child needs to see a man of courage and strength stand up for what is right and true. Boys need a father to hold them accountable when they fail to live up to standards, and girls need a man in their lives who loves them and holds them precious for who they are and not for the sexual favors they can give.

I know your thinking, “What about those kids without a father?” As a Judo coach, I’ve had the chance to work with several kids from single parent homes, whether the father was absent due to death or divorce. The kids that were the best adjusted were the ones that had some type of father figure in their life. It could be a grandfather, an older brother, an uncle, a coach, or a teacher, but some to show them what a man of character is.

#Character, #Fathers