Ugly Baby Contest

Back when I was in the military there were times when a decision had to be made but all the options were bad. I’d refer to such things as an “Ugly Baby Contest.” Because you hated all the choices and there was no clear good choice. Still, you had to pick something and afterwards you had an ugly baby on your hands. This presidential election is an ugly baby contest. In fact, we could say the last three if not the last five were all such contests. And because we’ve been pushed into these horrible choices the country is deeply divided. I’m afraid this division is slipping into the church.

When you look at the moral compass of Harris and Trump you have to conclude that both are despicable human beings, but those are our only choices. I have good Christian brothers and sisters who look at Trump and determined they cannot vote for him, and I know others who look at Harris and say she’s worse, so they have no choice but to vote for Trump. Such decisions should not be test of fellowship, but it is becoming that way.

I’ve seen, and am seeing, on social media those who claim that no one can claim to be a good Christian and vote for Donald Trump. And I’ve also seen others say almost the same thing about Kamala Harris. In previous posts I’ve opposed both these ideas.

Our Lord instructed us to “render unto Caesar the things that are Ceasar’s and those of God’s to God.” We have to remember those two things are separate and we must allow them to be kept separate. I encourage every Christian American to render to our Caesar and vote, but vote with your whole being which includes your Christian understanding and values. I realize that means some will vote for Harris and some for Trump and some for somebody else, but all are my brothers. Yes, this vote will affect the next four years if not the next few generations, but all of that is a drop in the bucket when compared to eternity with our Christian family. Let not our decision on an ugly baby contest destroy the bonds of Christ.

#Vote, #Fellowship

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