The Door in Answer to the Violinist Scenario

This is the first of a series of three thoughts on abortion.

A modern-day philosopher named Judith Javis Thompson has the reputation of giving scenarios of ethical dilemmas. She’s the one credited with the infamous trolly scenario. Here’s another one for you to consider. It’s known as the violinist scenario.

You wake up in the hospital to find yourself back-to-back with Armando, the world’s greatest violinist. His kidneys are failing, and you are the only person compatible with his physiology and so your kidneys are connected to his in order to keep him alive. You have no say in this because such a great artist must be saved. After a time, they think his kidneys will heal and the two of you will be separated. I would guess in about nine months (what a surprise). Of course, this would mean your life will be put on hold, and many if not all of your plans will be destroyed. Your entire life will be changed, and opportunities lost. Quite possibly your who life will be ruined. Is it fair or ethical to be forced into doing such a thing?

Obviously, this scenario is a pro-abortion argument, trying to show the injustice of forbidding a woman to choose. Let’s be honest, it is also a sophomoric bullshit scenario. So, allow me to give an equally sophomoric bullshit scenario in response.

There is a door that most people will pass throw at some time in their life. They go through this door for various reasons, most choose to do so because they personally find it pleasurable. Now you can go through the door as many times as you want. However, each time you pass through it there is a possibility you will be forcibly chained to a defenseless, innocent little person. This person didn’t ask to be chained to you, but they are. This will of course be a massive drag on your life and lifestyle. All your plans and hopes for the future are destroyed, but there is a way out. All you have to do is take a machete and hack this innocent to pieces. Since it was your choice to go through that door for your own enjoyment, is it fair or ethical for you to slaughter that innocent and destroy his future to fulfill yours?

#Judith Thompson, #Violinist, #Abortion