Telling God What to Do. Einstein’s Mistake

Albert Einstein hated Quantum Mechanics. He didn’t mind the field of study, but he felt the methods were lacking since a probabilistic model was used, and he believed only deterministic models could and should express nature. It was because of his dislike of Quantum Mechanics probability model he gave his famous statement, “God does not play dice with the universe.” He said this in front of his friend, Niels Bohr. Who was also a Nobel Prize winning physicist every bit as brilliant as Einstein and one of the founders of Quantum Mechanics.  We should remember Niels Bohr’s reply, “Albert, you should really stop telling God what to do.” I call this Einstein’s mistake.

Too many people, including Christians, are guilty of Einstein’s mistake. Too often we tell God what to do, especially when it comes to the possibility of evolution. I say the possibility because we really don’t know how God created life on this planet. As a Christian, by faith I believe God did it. As a student of science, I wonder how He did it.

Of course, that is really the only question science can answer. That and maybe when from our perspective. As Christians we often look to the Bible to give us answers to things it was never meant to cover. We convince ourselves that creation and life was done in six glorious twenty-four-hour days but forget that there was no human there to see it. And we forget that Peter in his second epistle told us that our view of time doesn’t match with God’s. For to God a thousand years is but a day and a day a thousand years.

When God spoke the world and all its life into existence, we have no idea exactly how that was done. Science is attempting to do that. Right now, they assume it was through the evolutionary process. It might have done that way, but the more I read and learn, the more I doubt the assumptions evolutionists are making. More and more holes are being found in their theory. The problem, and scandal, is that they are ignoring and even hiding those holes.

However, we Christians must not place our faith in the falsification of that theory. We must not make Einstein’s Mistake and try to tell God what to do.  We have to remember that God does, will do, and has done what He wishes. After all, He is God. So, we as Christians must not worry about it. If science is able to absolutely prove Darwinian Evolution, we have to be able to say, “That’s nice, but it doesn’t destroy my faith. At worse it just makes me reevaluate my understanding of scripture.”

#Einstein #Bohr #Evolution #Faith #1000Years=1Day