Spiritual Religion vs Secular Religion

In the previous post I laid out the case how the segregation of the chosen few by Nazism and Communism invariably led to mass murder. Some will want to point out that the setting aside (or sanctification) of the chosen few is also an aspect of religion, such as Christianity. Which is true. They would then continue to argue that such segregation would also result in mass murder. Which is false.

First, we must admit that Nazism and Communism are in effect secular religions. I know some see the term “secular religion” as maybe an oxymoron, but a religion is merely a formalized ideology that is structured around a prophet proclaiming truth with authoritative scripture and a set of reinforcing practices followed by the faithful. All of which is to lead to a higher and better future for the practitioners. A supreme being is not necessary as Buddhism shows. So, Nazism and Communism qualify as religions. In the case of Nazism, their prophet was Hitler, their scripture was Mein Kampf, with racism being their creed. For Communist, they have two prophets, Marx and Lennin, with their scripture being Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto. While taking control of all property and the means of production is their catechism.

However, they are also secular because they seek to build their glorious future in the physical realm. While Christianity (as well as Buddhism and even Islam) see the future transcending the physical into the spiritual. It is in this transcendence that segregation happens. In the case of Christianity, it is God that does this separation, and since He is omniscient no mistakes are made. Those who are truly new beings in spirit are brought to Him. Moreover, unlike the secular religions where the criteria of separation is outside the individual’s control, in Christianity (and all spiritual religions) it is totally within the individual’s control. Each person chooses on their own to come to God or not, regardless of race or class. And since it is in the spiritual realm, being done by God, it does not necessitate the murder of the non-believer. Unfortunately, we are humans, and all too often humans want to help God by playing God. Usually that results in mass murder.

#SecularReligions, #Nazism, #Communism