Scientific Faith

What is faith? To the non-religious it is the complete abandonment of logic, reason, evidence, and science. In short, it is blind and unthinking.

Let’s consider the field of physics. In classical times the universe was seen as split into two realms, the terrestrial and the celestial. In Aristotelian physics, the observations of these two areas showed that each had there own set of rules that dictated their actions. Therefore, the behavior of bodies in each of these realms were different and knowledge in one area had absolutely no bearing in the other. For thousands of years the scientific view was that there was one set of laws ruling the heavens and another ruling the earth.

Then Newton, and later refined by Einstein, showed that laws of physics applied to both the earth and the stars. It became accepted that the laws of physics were fundamental to the universe and were the same throughout the universe.

Then came Niels Bohr and quantum theory. This study of universe at the atomic and sub-atomic particle level did not fit in with Newton’s and Einstein’s physics. It seemed to suggest there is one set of laws for the quantum realm and another for the macro world. The very idea that there isn’t one set of laws that governed the universe at all levels is anathema to modern science.

Right now, the number one goal of physics (its Holy Grail sort-of speak) is finding the Theory of Everything. This would do for the quantum and the macro what Newton did for the celestial and the terrestrial. It would be the one set of physical laws that would apply and explain the quantum world and macro world equally.

But why do modern physicist search for it? Why do they think it even exist? What evidence do they have for a Theory of Everything? To be honest, there is really no evidence that such a theory exists. Physicists assume it’s there because of what Newton did to combine Aristotle’s celestial and terrestrial concepts and their belief in the universality of Natural Laws. To paraphrase Hebrews 11:1, they are assured it is there without the certainty of seeing it. In short it is by faith they seek the Theory of Everything. Yet no one claims they are doing so blindly, without thinking, shunning logic, and ignoring reason.

So why do they claim that is what a believer does when he has faith in God?

#science, #faith, #Aristotle, #Newton, #Einstein, #Bohr