Rob Reiner and Elmer Gantry

Here it is only my fourth post and already I’m forced to refer to politics since so much of the world wants to mix faith and politics. So, I must respond to Rob Reiner’s attacks on Christians supporting Donald Trump. Before I do, let make it clear I’m a reluctant Trump voter. In the last two elections I went to the polls holding my nose and voted for him because I thought the alternative was far worse. Which I sure some will disagree. With that said let me, as Jules in Pulp Fiction said, “Allow me to retort.”

Rob Reiner’s comments remind me of the 1960 movie Elmer Gantry. It’s based on a novel by Sinclair Lewis and stars Burt Lancaster in title role with Jean Simmons as Sister Sharon and Arthur Kennedy as the news man Jeff Lefferts. I don’t know how well it follows the book, but the movie is well done even though it is an attack on American Christianity. Gantry is a con man who attaches himself to a depression era traveling tent revival led by Sister Sharon. He does so because he’s more romantically interested in Sister Sharon than in serving God. There is a scene where the journalist, Jim Lefferts, quotes I Corinthians to question Sister Sharon’s legitimacy as a pulpit preacher. Elmer then asked Lefferts if he believed in God, and Lefferts admits he’s an atheist. Elmer then shames him for using scripture not to help Sister Sharon but belittle her and silence her.

Rob Reiner is one of the many Jim Lefferts in today’s world. They use scripture they don’t believe to silence Christians and manipulate us to do their bidding. And we Christians let them. These Lefferts use scripture to claim we are not being as “loving” as Christ when we dare to call a sin a sin or perform our civic duties in way they don’t like. Their implication is that we should be silent and let them continue in their sin, or we should follow their led in whatever direction they see fit.

They do this, and we let them, because they, and we, see Christ as this mild Mister Rogers who has nothing but kindness and love. So, I ask, “Did the Christ of the Bible love everyone?” The nonbeliever may try to quibble and say something about the “Historic Jesus.” That’s why I qualify the Jesus of the Bible, not what some modern scholars’ postulate. They must answer yes or no. If they say no, then I have to ask, “Then how is your claim of my actions being unchristian justified?” If they say yes, then I agree he did and does love everyone, even the Pharisees. Whom he called “vipers and twice as fit for hell.”

Christians cannot be silent or passive. We must call sin what it is for two reasons. First, the sinner might listen, and we might restore him to God. And second, that others watching will see this is sin and we do not condone it with our silence.

Moreover, we cannot allow our political views to dictate our religious actions or be used as a test for fellowship. We must accept our brothers from the left or the right and know that Christ loves and redeems Democrats and Republicans.

So, to the Rob Reiners on the left or the right who seek to shame and manipulate us. Be silent you vipers and let’s keep faith and politics separate.

#Rob Reiner #Elmer Gantry #Brietbart News #Christians voting for Trump

2 responses to “Rob Reiner and Elmer Gantry”

  1. Al Avatar

    Here is an excerpt of an interview with Reiner about the documentary:

    Sounds a little different than the Breitbart article you linked and wrote about. I don’t think Christianity is under attack here.

    1. FromtheBasket Avatar

      I never said he was attacking Christianity. What I was complaining about was people attempting to manipulate Christians, especially when they use the Bible. A book they see as nothing more than fiction and do not recognize its authority. I am just as upset when people on the right do it. I’m sure you would be upset if Donald Trump came out and said “If you ain’t votin’ for me you ain’t a Christian.” And when someone, such as Rob Reiner, rhetorically ask “How can a Christian vote for Donald Trump?” he is saying in effect “If you don’t vote the way I want you to, you’re not a Christian.”