No Apologies and No Forgiveness

Michael Schur wrote that no one really apologizes anymore. That’s true. All we hear are non-apologies where the person apologizing says something like, “I’m sorry you’re offended.” Which is understandable, because no one forgives anymore.

To give a true heartfelt apology requires to admit guilt, and once guilt is admitted then those attacking feel justified in continuing the attacks until the one apologizing is destroyed. It doesn’t matter how minor or how distant in the past the action occurred. All that matters is that the one who committed the crime pays and pays again. No matter how many times one kneels and begs forgiveness it is never given.

Oh yes, we do forgive from time to time, but such forgiveness is always internal, never external. We will forgive ourselves so to ease our feeling of guilt, or say we forgive someone to let go of our anger. However, we never direct forgiveness outward towards those who need it, it is always inward for our mental wellbeing. That’s not forgiveness, it’s psychological masturbation.

We can never overlook mistakes or flaws in anyone except ourselves. It doesn’t matter what other good is accomplished, or how much is done in penance, absolution is never given. If redemption is impossible, why confess?

This is why I, and so many others, despise cancel culture (or as those supporting it call it “accountability culture,”) there is no redemption. Even murderers are allowed to pay their debt to society with their lives, but those deemed cancelable can never have done enough to warrant forgiveness no matter how many times they confess or how much they do in penance.

Mister Schur is right, we do need to learn to apologize, but just as important, we need to learn to accept apologies and forgive seventy times seven.

#MichaelSchur, #apologies, #forgiveness

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