I’m Not Pro-Life, I’m Anti-Abortion

In all honesty I have to admit that I’m not Pro-Life, I’m Anti-Abortion. I think it’s important that we stop hiding behind euphemisms that we think will be more acceptable to the public. I think those who say they’re Pro-Choice should admit they are not Pro-Choice. Many of them don’t believe a law-abiding citizen should be allowed to choose to own any firearm they wish to, or that parents should be able to choose how their children are educated, or that a baker can decide not to make a wedding cake for same sex unions. They are not Pro-Choice, they are Pro-Abortion.

In like fashion I believe that soldiers are allowed to kill in their duty to the state, and those who murder forfeit their right to live and should be executed. I know several will ask about the innocent being killed. We accept the killing of animals for food, and they are innocent. There is also the question of destroying those with the potential of self-awareness. But we often ignore that in many cases. Peter Singer has pointed out that a grown pig or dog has more self-awareness than a newborn human. So much so that he postulates we should allow parents to kill their children several months after birth in what is euphemistically called “post term abortion.” To be honest all the “Pro-Life” arguments are inconsistent at best and irrational at worst.

If I were truly Pro-Life, I would be a pacifistic vegan who opposes the death penalty. But I’m not. So, I have to admit I’m not Pro-Life, I’m Anti-Abortion.

So, why am I Anti-Abortion? It’s because I’m a Bible believing Christian. In Genesis God said, “Let us make man in our image.” And from that all humans, male or female, are the image bearers of God. For me to willing sacrifice God’s image for my pleasure, personal gain, dreams, or future success is the highest blasphemy I could commit.

Jesus said that blaspheming against the Holy Spirit was unforgivable. I don’t think abortion quite fits in that category. I’m certain that anyone who has committed this sin can humble themselves before God and receive forgiveness, just as David did in his murder of Uriah. However, I do believe that destroying and image bearer of God for our personal desires runs a close second to blaspheming the Holy Spirit, and as such I must be fight this and be Anti-Abortion.

#Pro-Life, #Anti-Abortion, #God’s Image