I Don’t Like Star Wars

I’ve decided I don’t like Star Wars anymore. And I’m not talking about the prequels or anything that Disney has produced, but the original three: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. I know this sacrilege to the die hard fans of the original trilogy, but I do have my reasons and they all revolve around “the Force.”

First off, the Force is their substitute for God, and I don’t like that it is completely impersonal. The Force is an “It” rather than a Him. It’s the same reason I don’t like people in modern movies talking about “the Universe” guiding them. They should look to a personable God outside of the universe aiding and directing them rather than the impersonal creation of God.

In similar fashion I don’t care for the Force being something that permeates existence, in that it flows through all and in all. To me this is too much like pantheism where god is in everything and is everything.

Although I know it’s in the prequels, I don’t like the idea of “bringing balance to the Force.” It shows the Force being light and dark, or good and evil. And we have to find a balance between the two rather than searching for ways to have the light overcome darkness. We should never seek ways to compromise with evil but overpower it. Especially within ourselves.

Finally, I really hate the terms “search your feelings,” and “feel the force.” This world already has too much tendency to go with emotions over thinking we don’t need to popularize it in simple adventure moves. Why not say “search your understanding of the truth,” and “know God.” Hard knowledge and understanding should be our measure, and not easily manipulated feelings or emotional responses.

I suppose when it comes down to it, I chose a God with personality over mindless and indifferent Force.
