It is very easy to feel pessimistic about the nature of the world, especially if you’re a Christian. We don’t need to go into the lengthy list of things such as pedophilia grooming, wokeism and all the hundreds of things point to social and civilization collapse.
But now there are some things that are giving me a glimmer of hope. Just go on the internet or Youtube and search for Louise Perry, Mary Harrington, or Tom Holland (the historian not the actor) and listen to what they have to say. These are secular people who suggest we abandon the new atheism, the sexual revolution, and post modernism. They are not calling for return to the 1950s, but they are saying that today’s culture is wrong and classical western civilization is superior, and like Jordon Peterson they see Christianity as the foundation. This is particularly true of Tom Holland. As I said these are not believing Christians. They describe themselves as cultural Christians. (Louise Perry referred to herself as an Agnostic Christian.)
All this gives me hope that the post-modern world is at last being rejected. The nihilism and hedonism the last sixty years has a chance of ending without the entire civilization collapse that everyone has feared. These could be the seeds that are needed to bring about a true Great Awakening not just the United States but the whole world.
I call on all my Christian brothers and sisters to pray for these brave voices in the wilderness. That not only that others listen to them, but that they also take the final step and accept Jesus as their Lord.
#optimism, #MaryHarrington, #LouisePerry, #TomHolland