Hope for Bambie Thug

As you look at Bambie Ray Robinson and see that she made herself into Bambie Thug a self-proclaimed queer witch you find yourself amazed that someone would willingly fall so far. Yes, this make over did allow her to be Ireland’s entry in the latest Eurovision but at what cost? I would say her soul and her sanity, but even with that, there is more hope for her than for Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copland.

Bambie may yet wake up some day and be horrified at what she has done and recognize her own wretchedness. Just as others, such as Kat VonD and Russell Brand, have done. She could repent and come to Christ, because she will have no choice but to see how far her choices has taken her from God.

Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copland, on the other hand, have deluded themselves into thinking they are serving God, when their true master is Mamon. Some say Mamon is the Biblical term for money, but it is more than that. It is wealth, prestige, power, status, and money too. Those who preach and follow the “Prosperity Gospel,” or “Word of Faith” are placing Mamon beside God and feel safe in their delusion that they are honoring God.

This is nothing new. Paul and John had to preach against the Nicolaitans who’s lives said, “Let us continue in sin that grace may abound.” They chose not to be just in the world, but of the world. Such was the fate of Demas as Paul said in II Timothy 4:10. Paul doesn’t say so, but Demas could have convinced himself he was still serving God. I fear that Osteen’s and Copland’s followers are among those that Paul described as, “will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear,” and have become the Demases of today.

Every Christian should examine their hearts daily and make sure they are not serving Mamon. For it is easy to be fall for what we want to hear and chase after the world’s view of wealth, status, and power. We are always gladdened to hear John 3:16, “That God so loved the world that He gave his son,” but we seem loathed to hear Luke 9:23, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”

#BamabieThug, #JoelOsteen, #Kenneth Copland


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