Gym Thoughts

For years I’ve been going to a gym to lift weights, and there are several things I’ve noticed which either baffle or really irate me, or both. Looking at this, I realize it is mainly generational. Most of the people doing these things are between 25 and 35. Because if they’re under 25 they are probably going to a college gym and if they’re over 35 they are too busy to work out or have their own home gym. This isn’t a hard and fast rule, since you do see those in their 40s, 50s, and some like me, in their 60s. But for the most part, gym rats are 25 to 35.

Anyways, the first thing I noticed is really baffling. I see these people working hard to make their bodies beautiful, and they mare them up with a bunch of tattoos. And I’m not talking about a few small tasteful ones, but full sleeves and whole-body tattoos. And a lot of those tattoos aren’t that good. I just don’t understand.

The next thing, and this is really irritating, is not racking the weights, and just generally not picking up after yourself. I don’t know how many times I’ve searched for dumbbells to find them laying around far from anyone using them. When I ask if anyone is using it, I always get a no. I’ve even seen people just lay plates on the floor and walk away. Add to that, they move benches and then don’t move them back. The floor should be kept clear for safety.

A similar issue is putting weights in the right place. Every rack I’ve seen has a number corresponding to the plate and dumbbell size, but it seems like a lot of people ignore them. I guess it’s too hard to read. It’s irritating to have to move several plates of different sizes to get the one you want.

The third thing that bothers me is when someone puts a bag or water bottle to stake out a piece of equipment and then walks away for anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes. USE THE DAMN EQUIPMENT AND GIVE SOMEONE ELSE A CHANCE.

And another thing, why take 5-to-10-minute rest breaks between sets? I’ve looked at the weights they’re lifting and trust me they’re not power lifting. Back when I power lifted in college I didn’t take that long of breaks.

There is another thing that mystifies me, what is it with using cell phones during workouts? Can’t these people spend 30 minutes away from their phones? I can understand an occasional emergency call from home or work, but they’re pulling them out between sets just checking them. I remember years ago seeing a tee shirt that said “Shut-up and Lift.” I’d like to find one that says, “Get off your phone and Lift.” I wish I could find a gym that doesn’t allow cell phones.

One last thing, I’m really tired of hearing these people cuss, and I don’t mean an occasional darn or damn. They could make a sailor blush. I don’t think the F word should be used as a noun, a verb, an adjective, and an adverb. Especially in the same sentence. Get a thesaurus and learn to express yourself better.

Thank you for letting me vent.



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