
A lot of people (probably most people) claim you only have to be a good person to meet God. They are more or less correct. However, you must define good.

Most define good on a relative scale. They see themselves as good because they think they’re better than someone else. They’re not a murdered, but murderer may see himself as good because he’s not Adolf Hitler. No matter how evil a person is, they never see themselves as evil and can justify their actions as proper, and even good. Good must be defined on an objective not a subjective measure. It has to be absolute. So, what is the definition of good?

I suggest looking at the Sermon on the Mount given in Matthew’s Gospel. In the middle of it, Jesus told the people that their “righteousness must surpass that of the Pharisees.” This had to be a shock, because the Pharisees went to extremes in following the Torah (or law). They were so excessive, that to be sure they didn’t break the simple command “do not boil a goat in its mother’s milk” they decided not to eat cheese, or any milk product, with any meat. Not even chicken, an animal that doesn’t produce milk. To keep their purity they even kept separate dishes for meat and cheese, making sure they never touch. How could simple people follow such strict extremes?

Jesus gave examples to demonstrate his meaning. He told them that just not killing wasn’t enough, you couldn’t hate. You couldn’t even belittle someone. It wasn’t enough to foreswear adultery, but you couldn’t even look at someone as an object to satisfy your desires. You had to be so honest that pledges, oaths, and contracts were not required, just a yes or no. He went on to point out that we should look at how God reacts. There are those who hate God and want nothing to do with Him, but He still blesses them and loves them. Jesus told the people to be as perfect as God.

Now we know what it means to be good enough to see God and stand in His presence on our own righteousness. We have to be as perfect as God. Anything less is not good, but evil. That’s why Jesus came, to make up the difference for us.

 #goodness, #Pharisees, #Jesus, #righteousness