Good For the Goose, Good for the Gander

Ever notice how a sports figure may be a terrible person whose actions border on criminal, but the fans will defend him. They’ll claim his actions aren’t really that bad and will excuse him for almost anything as long as he’s helping the team make a run for the championship. But then when he goes to another team via free agency then suddenly the fans of his old team views him as the anti-Christ. And visa versa will also apply.

I had this driven home to me when I was stationed in Nebraska during the 1990s. During that time Barry Switzer was coaching Oklahoma while Tom Osborne was the head coach at Nebraska. Quite a few of the Oklahoma players had some run ins with law enforcement at the time. The Sooner fans would say things “well he can’t be with his players 24/7,” or “these are nearly grown men you can’t babysit them.” Of course, the Cornhusker fans would have none of this and pilloried Switzer. Then a few years later a similar situation happened in Nebraska, and suddenly I heard the same things from the Cornhusker fans about Osborne that I heard from the Sooner fans about Switzer. When I pointed this out, they were offended that I would dare compare their saintly Dr. Tom to that scum bag Barry Switzer.

And you see the same thing in politics. A few years back I had an argument with a fellow Republican about senator from another state. Six years earlier, this Republican senator ran as good church going Christian and family man. Then shortly after he was sworn into office, he had an affair with a much younger aid, divorced his wife and married that aid. I said that the parry should abandon him look hard for a replacement while my fellow Republican disagreed on the grounds that his vote was too valuable in the Senate. In short, he was willing to sacrifice his scruples for political advantage.

I’m afraid we’re doing just that right now. I was very uneasy about Amber Rose giving a speech at the national convention. She’s a woman who is the antithesis of conservative values. She has sponsored “slut walks” encouraging women to be proud of their promiscuity and has even spoken highly of Satanism. And to my knowledge she has never repented from those stances. Yet no one even raised an eyebrow when it was announced she was going to speak. After all her speaking would help cut into an important demographic the Democrats count on.

 Worse still, since Trump has survived an assassination attempt people are ready to anoint him as new messiah. Don’t get me wrong, I will vote for Trump because I think his policies are far better for the nation than anything Kamala Harris espouses. But he is not a moral leader, he’s an extremely flawed politician. Some of these images I’ve seen such as Jesus with his ear bandaged or a dove descending on Donald Trump needs to stop.

In one of my first post, I took to task some leftist Democrats for suggesting that Christians were hypocrites violating Biblical doctrine by voting for Trump. Well now rightest Republicans are insinuating that voting against Trump is voting against God. Both are equally despicable and should stop.

#Sports, #Politics, #Trump, #AmberRose