
I just recently binged watched the Amazon series Fallout.  It was an enjoyable show, but don’t analyze it too deeply. It does have some major plot holes, but the characters were good, and the story never dragged.

What really caught my attention was something said in the fifth episode. In it, Lucy, the main protagonist who is the tenth generation to live in a fallout shelter, comes to a bomb crater that was once the city Shady Sands. She looks into it with her new friend Maximus, who’s spent his whole life out on the surface, and is a survivor of Shady Sands.

She asked Maximus, “What happened?”

He replied, “What always happens. Everyone wanted to save the world, they just couldn’t agree on how.”

When I heard that I was thunderstruck. I think that is one of most profound statements I’ve ever heard in a movie or television show. I believe that statement could explain every war in the 20th and 21st centuries, if not in all time. World War II started because Hitler wanted to save the world through racial purity, and the allies disagreed. The Cold War, as well as Korea and Vietnam, happened because Communist wanted to save the world through Marist/Leninist philosophy and the west disagreed. The aspiration to save the world has caused more death and destruction than anything else. We desire to make Heaven on Earth, but we always seem to have to march through Hell to achieve it.

As Christians we must recognize that our mission is not to save the world, but to save one soul at a time from the world.

#Fallout, #SaveTheWorld, #SavedFromTheWorld