Every Generation Has its Chickens***s

Please excuse some of the language I’m about to use, but I really can’t find a better word to express my complete feeling on the subject.

Every generation has its stand-up guys and its chickens***s. My father was a World War II vet and the Greatest Generation had its chickens***s too. My dad enlisted in the Air Corp and after washing out of bombardier training because of his weight, he became a B-29 crew chief. Although he never went overseas, he was always ready to go.

Once he separated from the military he enrolled in Abilene Christian. It always set his teeth on edge on how so many of the Bible majors that were studying to be ministers during the war years suddenly lost their calling the day after V-J Day. Worse still was how so many of them during Bible classes would ask the professor how could it be morally correct for Christians to go to war and kill his fellow man. That’s the way it is with chickens***s, they try to claim their cowardice is actually a moral good and they are really the courageous ones.

I was at the tail end of the Baby Boomers. I turned eighteen two years after Viet Nam ended and one year after the end of the draft. Some would say I have no right to give this assessment even though I served in the Air Force later. Still, I have to say my generation is the most divided generation of all time. The majority were willing to serve, and did, while a very vocal minority protested the war. They weren’t against all wars, just the one they were being called to fight. Like chickens***s of the past, they too claimed a moral superiority for not fighting. They even had the audacity to claim moral superiority for running off to Canada to avoid their duty. Worse still, some would go on to claim they did serve and stole the valor of others.

Unlike others of my generation, I don’t bemoan the Millennials, Gen-X or Gen-Z. I know they have a lot of chickens***s in their group. Mainly because so many of the chickens***s of my generation took over media, government, and academia which idealizes and encourages them to be chickens***s. But thanks to my Air Force service and working with them in other ways I know they also have a lot of stand-up guys and gals in the Millennials, Gen-X and Gen-Z. When the chips are really down these stand-ups will push the chickens***s out of the way and lead. Just as they did in Afghanistan and Iraq.

#StandUPGuys&Gals, #Chickens***s, #GreatestGeneration