Category: Politics

  • Why I Oppose the Greens

    When I was living in Colorado Springs my house was a few blocks from the South Gate of the Air Force Academy, and I would drive by it every day going to work. Then about three years before I moved away, I noticed they were bulldozing an area next to the gate. They had stripped…

  • Ugly Baby Contest

    Back when I was in the military there were times when a decision had to be made but all the options were bad. I’d refer to such things as an “Ugly Baby Contest.” Because you hated all the choices and there was no clear good choice. Still, you had to pick something and afterwards you…

  • Ever notice how a sports figure may be a terrible person whose actions border on criminal, but the fans will defend him. They’ll claim his actions aren’t really that bad and will excuse him for almost anything as long as he’s helping the team make a run for the championship. But then when he goes…

  • Please excuse some of the language I’m about to use, but I really can’t find a better word to express my complete feeling on the subject. Every generation has its stand-up guys and its chickens***s. My father was a World War II vet and the Greatest Generation had its chickens***s too. My dad enlisted in…

  • I remember looking at various photographs from the Holocaust. In the pictures it wasn’t the victims that caught my eye but the guards. They didn’t look like monsters, but like normal people. People who would play ball with their sons or take their spouses to a restaurant for an evening. They looked like normal people,…

  • Political Messiahs

    There are several friends who assume I’m a Trump man, but I’m really not. Trump was far from my first choice in 2016. As a matter of fact, when there were about fifteen candidates for the GOP nomination, Trump was at best my seventeenth choice. However, I did vote for Trump because I didn’t see…

  • In the previous post I laid out the case how the segregation of the chosen few by Nazism and Communism invariably led to mass murder. Some will want to point out that the setting aside (or sanctification) of the chosen few is also an aspect of religion, such as Christianity. Which is true. They would…

  • I was watching a video of Jordan Peterson where he said that the “Hammer and Sickle” of Communism should be as reviled as the “Swastika” of Nazism. The moderator of the discussion pointed out that although most current college students agree that Communism has killed over 100 million people (compared to the 12 million of…

  • Antisemitism

    You have to wonder, why is there so much antisemitism in the world? Some claim it’s a holdover from the Christian Middle Ages, but hatred of the Jews predates the Christian era. The book of Acts in the New Testament speaks of Emperor Claudius kicking the Jews out of the city of Rome. Pagan Rome…

  • Rob Reiner and Elmer Gantry

    Here it is only my fourth post and already I’m forced to refer to politics since so much of the world wants to mix faith and politics. So, I must respond to Rob Reiner’s attacks on Christians supporting Donald Trump. Before I do, let make it clear I’m a reluctant Trump voter. In the last…