Category: Culture/Philosophy

  • Miyamoto Musashi was a legendary samurai. He is considered Japan’s greatest swordsman of all time and has the honorific title, Kensei. Which translates as “Sword Saint.” He had his first duel at the age of thirteen, a duel to the death which he easily won. He fought over sixty duels in his lifetime, over half…

  • Scientific Faith

    What is faith? To the non-religious it is the complete abandonment of logic, reason, evidence, and science. In short, it is blind and unthinking. Let’s consider the field of physics. In classical times the universe was seen as split into two realms, the terrestrial and the celestial. In Aristotelian physics, the observations of these two…

  • I watched a Youtube video by The Living Philosophy titled Nihilism vs Existentialism vs Absurdism – Explained and Compared. I found it interesting since it explained so much. I knew Nihilism had taken a strong hold on our postmodern society, but this made me realize just how much of those other two philosophies also infected…

  • What Builds Character

    I was once asked “What is a good way to develop good character in the young?” At the time I said I did not know because I saw failings in all the methods that are usually suggested. I’ve heard people claim that education is best. But if you take a thug and give him a…

  • Apology to JK Rowlings

    I believe the Evangelical community owes JK Rowling an apology, and we’ve never given it. When the Harry Potter series first came on the scene there were many Christians who condemned it, due to the presentation of magic. They judged it without really studying the books or considering the usages of magic within the books.…

  • In 1955 as part of his IRobot series, Isaac Asimov wrote in the short story Risk, about the world going robot crazy. One of the characters complained how everything required a robot. As he put it, “If you need a step then just get a robot with an extra thick foot.” Asimov was quite prophetic.…

  • I remember looking at various photographs from the Holocaust. In the pictures it wasn’t the victims that caught my eye but the guards. They didn’t look like monsters, but like normal people. People who would play ball with their sons or take their spouses to a restaurant for an evening. They looked like normal people,…

  • What Kind of Messiah

    What kind of Messiah where the Jews of First Century Judea and Galilee looking for? Reading the gospels, it is apparent that there were three types of Messiah they wanted, depending on the group. The common man was looking for a caring Messiah who would feed them and care for them. They were the ones…

  • Types of Courage

    The ancient Greeks had several words for love. The four most common ones were: storge for the love family members have for one another, eros for the romantic and sexual love spouses would have for one another, philia for the love of friends and comrades, and there was agape which was the ultimate love where…

  • You Are What You Love

    I recently read the book You Are What You Love by James A. K. Smith. Like so many of the Christian books today it is fairly redundant. He often makes a point and then has the tendency to over emphasize the point. More than once he would take five pages to say again what he…

  • In the previous post I laid out the case how the segregation of the chosen few by Nazism and Communism invariably led to mass murder. Some will want to point out that the setting aside (or sanctification) of the chosen few is also an aspect of religion, such as Christianity. Which is true. They would…

  • I was watching a video of Jordan Peterson where he said that the “Hammer and Sickle” of Communism should be as reviled as the “Swastika” of Nazism. The moderator of the discussion pointed out that although most current college students agree that Communism has killed over 100 million people (compared to the 12 million of…