Category: Culture/Philosophy

  • Michael Schur wrote that no one really apologizes anymore. That’s true. All we hear are non-apologies where the person apologizing says something like, “I’m sorry you’re offended.” Which is understandable, because no one forgives anymore. To give a true heartfelt apology requires to admit guilt, and once guilt is admitted then those attacking feel justified…

  • I Don’t Like Star Wars

    I’ve decided I don’t like Star Wars anymore. And I’m not talking about the prequels or anything that Disney has produced, but the original three: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. I know this sacrilege to the die hard fans of the original trilogy, but I do have my…

  • Recently I was considering the last few episodes of Better Call Saul after watching the series years ago. If you haven’t watched the show this post may not make much sense to you, but here are my thoughts anyways. After some reflection, it dawned on me just how Christian, if not Catholic, was the theme…

  • Legend has it that Siddhartha Gautama was raised as a spoiled prince who lived for nothing but pleasure in his early life. After looking out and seeing the immense suffering in the world, he began to loath his frivolous life. At that point he joined a group of ascetics and spent his days fasting almost…

  • There’s a saying in Judo, “The goal is to go from empty mind to empty mind.” What is meant by that is that when a person begins Judo that have no knowledge and no understanding of Judo. The student’s mind is empty. Then the sensei, or coach, begins to teach the student and his mind…

  • Japanese Bushido tells of two kinds of warriors. Warriors of the yin and warriors of the yang. Recognizing and understanding these two types and give some insight to competitors in all sports and about men in general. A warrior of the yang draws his power and strength from without. He’s the type that struts and…

  • Miyamoto Musashi was a legendary samurai. He is considered Japan’s greatest swordsman of all time and has the honorific title, Kensei. Which translates as “Sword Saint.” He had his first duel at the age of thirteen, a duel to the death which he easily won. He fought over sixty duels in his lifetime, over half…

  • Scientific Faith

    What is faith? To the non-religious it is the complete abandonment of logic, reason, evidence, and science. In short, it is blind and unthinking. Let’s consider the field of physics. In classical times the universe was seen as split into two realms, the terrestrial and the celestial. In Aristotelian physics, the observations of these two…

  • I watched a Youtube video by The Living Philosophy titled Nihilism vs Existentialism vs Absurdism – Explained and Compared. I found it interesting since it explained so much. I knew Nihilism had taken a strong hold on our postmodern society, but this made me realize just how much of those other two philosophies also infected…

  • What Builds Character

    I was once asked “What is a good way to develop good character in the young?” At the time I said I did not know because I saw failings in all the methods that are usually suggested. I’ve heard people claim that education is best. But if you take a thug and give him a…

  • Apology to JK Rowlings

    I believe the Evangelical community owes JK Rowling an apology, and we’ve never given it. When the Harry Potter series first came on the scene there were many Christians who condemned it, due to the presentation of magic. They judged it without really studying the books or considering the usages of magic within the books.…

  • In 1955 as part of his IRobot series, Isaac Asimov wrote in the short story Risk, about the world going robot crazy. One of the characters complained how everything required a robot. As he put it, “If you need a step then just get a robot with an extra thick foot.” Asimov was quite prophetic.…