Category: Bible/Theology

  • All Knowing God

    There is a debate as to why an omniscient allows things to happen. Such as why did He choose Saul to be the first king of Israel? Didn’t he know Saul would turn out the way he did if he became king? Or why does God allow horrible thing to happen to innocent people, such…

  • Nehushtan

    I was reading John’s Gospel the other day, the part about Nicodemus coming to talk to Jesus. Towards the end of their conversation Jesus said “Just as Moses lifted up the bronze serpent, so must the Son of Man be lifted up. That caused me to think back about the bronze serpent in the Old…

  • Michael Schur wrote that no one really apologizes anymore. That’s true. All we hear are non-apologies where the person apologizing says something like, “I’m sorry you’re offended.” Which is understandable, because no one forgives anymore. To give a true heartfelt apology requires to admit guilt, and once guilt is admitted then those attacking feel justified…

  • Recently I was considering the last few episodes of Better Call Saul after watching the series years ago. If you haven’t watched the show this post may not make much sense to you, but here are my thoughts anyways. After some reflection, it dawned on me just how Christian, if not Catholic, was the theme…

  • The Unprofitable Servant

    There was a time that I lived in Colorado Springs, and I worked with my church’s Cadet Ministry. There were some cadets that didn’t feel spiritually fulfilled with the chapel services on base. So, I would pick them up on Sunday mornings and take them to my church. At this time freshmen and sophomores weren’t…

  • The Judo of Faith

    There is something interesting about the kanji (Japanese symbols) for Judo. The first symbol, Ju, which we translate in English as “gentle” is of a tree with bamboo poles pushing on the limbs to force them to grow in a specific direction. Even today, if you walk in urban areas of Japan, you will see…

  • Scientific Faith

    What is faith? To the non-religious it is the complete abandonment of logic, reason, evidence, and science. In short, it is blind and unthinking. Let’s consider the field of physics. In classical times the universe was seen as split into two realms, the terrestrial and the celestial. In Aristotelian physics, the observations of these two…

  • I’ve never really cared for most of the explanations or analogies used for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit being three and one. We’ve all heard the analogy of one triangle but three sides, and how water can be steam, liquid and ice. I never liked any of these. But then I was sitting in…

  • There is an inconsistency in Matthew’s Gospel when compared to Mark and Luke. It is one of those “contradictions” that sceptics like to use to cast doubt on the validity of the Gospels. To be honest, it is one I’ve struggled to find an explanation, even though it is a minor point. I’m referring to…

  • Praying the Wrong Way

    Like all people, I struggle with sin. In fact, a particular sin. I’m sure there are lots of others in the same situation. There is some sin that seems to consume them, and they go to God begging him in prayer to remove this desire to sin from their lives. They will even push the…

  • The Limits of Grace

    I have been contemplating God and His grace. Most people think He was very exact with the law He gave Moses and was completely lacking in grace because of what we see as the harshness of the penalties. As a result, we think His grace is new thing introduced only through Christ, but we are…

  • I remember looking at various photographs from the Holocaust. In the pictures it wasn’t the victims that caught my eye but the guards. They didn’t look like monsters, but like normal people. People who would play ball with their sons or take their spouses to a restaurant for an evening. They looked like normal people,…