It is very easy to feel pessimistic about the nature of the world, especially if you’re a Christian. We don’t need to go into the lengthy list of things such as pedophilia grooming, wokeism and all the hundreds of things point to social and civilization collapse. But now there are some things that are giving…
There is a story I like to tell my Judo students when they are feeling down because they’re not mastering the techniques as easily as they wish. The feeling of inadequacy is common with any difficult endeavor, and I usually see it within the first six months to a year after starting Judo. Anyways, this…
I was perusing YouTube when I came across John Anderson interviewing Louise Perry. For those who don’t know her, she is (along with Mary Harrington) a feminist who feels that feminism needs to rethink the sexual revolution and modern feminist views on motherhood and marriage. You can hear more from both these women on John…
Belief, faith, grace, obedience, and works. These are words that seem to be in constant contradiction, but they aren’t. They are really complimentary, and in many cases can be seen as a different manifestation of the same thing. Just as steam, ice, and water are merely the different states of H2O. How can you have…
Most people think you are being redundant when you say Christ is our savior and redeemer. Because they see salvation and redemption as synonymous, but they’re wrong. There is a significant difference between them. The best way to explain this is the parable of the Prodigal Son. Allow me to give a quick summary to…
False teachers have been a concern since the very beginning of Christian faith. Unfortunately, it has become a smear toward anyone with a differing theological point of view, and as such it has become meaningless. Worse yet, it’s overuse has allowed truly false teachers, those Jesus called wolves in sheep’s clothing, to slip into the…
What is a god? And no, I’m not being flippant with that question. Most of us think in modern and post-modern terms. We consider a god as omnipotent and omniscient, but that’s not how the ancients saw their gods. For to them, their gods were limited in power and knowledge. The chief god of their…
At the end of chapter 14 in John’s Gospel there is an almost throw away line. Jesus and the disciples have just finished the Passover meal in the upper room. Jesus has been telling them that he is about to go where they couldn’t follow, and then at the very end he says, “Come now;…
It was almost twenty years ago when I first heard the term schadenfreude on the television show Boston Legal. Since then, I’ve heard it a lot especially after an election with one side feeling that all is lost. Just as reminder, schadenfreude is taking joy or pleasure in another’s misfortune, such as losing an election…
Like all people, I struggle with sin. In fact, a particular sin. I’m sure there are lots of others in the same situation. There is some sin that seems to consume them, and they go to God begging him in prayer to remove this desire to sin from their lives. They will even push the…
A lot of people (probably most people) claim you only have to be a good person to meet God. They are more or less correct. However, you must define good. Most define good on a relative scale. They see themselves as good because they think they’re better than someone else. They’re not a murdered, but…
I was watching a Bill Mahar clip on YouTube and was giving his one of his usual rants about how slavery isn’t condemned in the Bible. And how Jesus and the New Testament gives guidance to owners and slaves alike, rather than calling for its end. As it did for prostitution, divorce, and homosexuality. I’m…