Author: FromtheBasket

  • Jordan Peterson Gets It

    Belief, faith, grace, obedience, and works. These are words that seem to be in constant contradiction, but they aren’t. They are really complimentary, and in many cases can be seen as a different manifestation of the same thing. Just as steam, ice, and water are merely the different states of H2O. How can you have…

  • Most people think you are being redundant when you say Christ is our savior and redeemer. Because they see salvation and redemption as synonymous, but they’re wrong. There is a significant difference between them. The best way to explain this is the parable of the Prodigal Son. Allow me to give a quick summary to…

  • False Teachers

    False teachers have been a concern since the very beginning of Christian faith. Unfortunately, it has become a smear toward anyone with a differing theological point of view, and as such it has become meaningless. Worse yet, it’s overuse has allowed truly false teachers, those Jesus called wolves in sheep’s clothing, to slip into the…

  • The God of gods

    What is a god? And no, I’m not being flippant with that question. Most of us think in modern and post-modern terms. We consider a god as omnipotent and omniscient, but that’s not how the ancients saw their gods. For to them, their gods were limited in power and knowledge. The chief god of their…

  • To continue the thought from my last post there are a set of six Hollywood tropes that I’m quite tired of seeing. And no, they are not the usual complaints seen so much on YouTube and in other blogs. I think just about everyone has heard the complaints of Mary Sues and the breaking of…

  • Lazy Hollywood Writing

    I was watching a television show where some teenage daughters were telling their mother about a romcom where the leading man was a widower father. The mother’s reply was, “of course he is, Hollywood hates mothers.” I thought about that for a minute and then realized she got it all wrong. Hollywood doesn’t hate mothers;…

  • I just recently reread Huckleberry Finn for a book club and it made me wonder. Why does the left hate Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn? They claim it’s due to the liberal use of the “N-word,” but they have no problem with Tarantino movies. Besides, any sensible person can tell the difference between a racist work…

  • As a follow-up to my previous thoughts on the Peter Principle there is one area I think I should touch. In the Air Force we often referred to there being four types of officers. Type One officers were those with a great deal of ability and a great deal of ambition. These were the ones…

  • The Peter Principle, for those who don’t know, is the theory postulated by Lawerance Peter that organizations will promote an employee to his (or her) level of incompetence and leave him there. The claim being that he won’t be promoted any further and the company won’t fire him. This theory is accepted as a given…

  • Now that it has been almost a month since the Election, I’ve heard a lot of people trying to figure out what happened. Many can’t understand why the Democrats lost so badly. Some blame Harris, others Biden, and some just the “stupidity” of the American people. I think they are all wrong. Why the Democrats…

  • I had the importance of being able to laugh at life impressed on me by a chance meeting. It was around 1987 while I was in the Air Force. I was attending a maintenance overview class on the 747 being given by Boeing Company. The instructor had an unusual accent that I couldn’t recognize, and…

  • There are some R rated movies that while filled with nudity, violence, and vulgarity still present what could only be called Christian themes. I realize that some people, particularly Christians, would find that hard to believe. It is, however, true. Even though I doubt the film makers intended to do that or were even aware…