Author: FromtheBasket

  • Now that it has been almost a month since the Election, I’ve heard a lot of people trying to figure out what happened. Many can’t understand why the Democrats lost so badly. Some blame Harris, others Biden, and some just the “stupidity” of the American people. I think they are all wrong. Why the Democrats…

  • I had the importance of being able to laugh at life impressed on me by a chance meeting. It was around 1987 while I was in the Air Force. I was attending a maintenance overview class on the 747 being given by Boeing Company. The instructor had an unusual accent that I couldn’t recognize, and…

  • There are some R rated movies that while filled with nudity, violence, and vulgarity still present what could only be called Christian themes. I realize that some people, particularly Christians, would find that hard to believe. It is, however, true. Even though I doubt the film makers intended to do that or were even aware…

  • Let Us Leave

    At the end of chapter 14 in John’s Gospel there is an almost throw away line. Jesus and the disciples have just finished the Passover meal in the upper room. Jesus has been telling them that he is about to go where they couldn’t follow, and then at the very end he says, “Come now;…

  • Schadenfreude

    It was almost twenty years ago when I first heard the term schadenfreude on the television show Boston Legal. Since then, I’ve heard it a lot especially after an election with one side feeling that all is lost. Just as reminder, schadenfreude is taking joy or pleasure in another’s misfortune, such as losing an election…

  • Spiritual Vaccuum

    Like all people, I struggle with sin. In fact, a particular sin. I’m sure there are lots of others in the same situation. There is some sin that seems to consume them, and they go to God begging him in prayer to remove this desire to sin from their lives. They will even push the…

  • Goodness

    A lot of people (probably most people) claim you only have to be a good person to meet God. They are more or less correct. However, you must define good. Most define good on a relative scale. They see themselves as good because they think they’re better than someone else. They’re not a murdered, but…

  • Economic Analysis

    I’ve been viewing the YouTube channel TIKHistory. Which I highly recommend for anyone who has an interest in World War II. The man who runs the channel is a British historian who specialized in that era. He has several videos where he explains the Nazi and Fascist theories in order to explain their actions and…

  • Slavery

    I was watching a Bill Mahar clip on YouTube and was giving his one of his usual rants about how slavery isn’t condemned in the Bible. And how Jesus and the New Testament gives guidance to owners and slaves alike, rather than calling for its end. As it did for prostitution, divorce, and homosexuality. I’m…

  • What Catholics do Right

    In my last post I told why I wasn’t Catholic by giving five things I think they are doing wrong. However, there are some things they do that I think is very good and protestant denominations would do well to follow their example. There are three things I like that I found by talking to…

  • Why I’m Not Catholic

    In the past there have been a few of my Roman Catholic friends and brothers ask why I’m not Catholic. (Yes, I do think I can consider Catholics as brothers in Christ although I disagree doctrinally with them on several points.) I feel I need to give a response on the issues I have with…

  • Why Hollywood Stinks

    Why is modern entertainment, especially Hollywood, so bad? One of the reasons is that in Hollywood, writing has always taken a backseat. Writers have always been second, if not third, class citizens behind directors, producers, and actors. Whenever a movie has been nominated for best picture, but the director wasn’t, you’ll hear the question “Do…