
You have to wonder, why is there so much antisemitism in the world? Some claim it’s a holdover from the Christian Middle Ages, but hatred of the Jews predates the Christian era. The book of Acts in the New Testament speaks of Emperor Claudius kicking the Jews out of the city of Rome. Pagan Rome was just as antisemitic as Christian Rome. In fact, pagan Rome was also antichristian since they saw Christianity as a Jewish sect.

The reason for antisemitism in ancient Rome was that the Jews had set themselves apart from Roman society. The Romans didn’t mind you worshiping other gods as long as you participated in their customs and ceremonies which were celebrations of their gods. This is one thing the Jews would not do, and later, Christians also refused. This setting themselves apart, and refusing to assimilate into society resulted in misunderstanding, suspicion, rumors, and even hatred. This later occurred with the first century Christians with the pagans accusing Christians of cannibalism because of the Eucharist and of incest due to referring to one anther as brother and sister. This mistrust of Jews was carried forward after Rome had accepted Christianity and then made it the state religion. Once again it was due to the Jews setting themselves apart by refusing to become Christian. It has to be remembered that at this time religion, society, and government were all interlocked and viewed as one in the same. Refusal to participate in religious ceremony was tantamount to treason.

This suspicion of those refusing to assimilate can be seen in illegal immigration. When masses come across the borders carrying the flags of their native country, and demanding that established society transform to their beliefs, of course resentment is generated. When minorities demand we remove our freedom of speech due to their sense of blasphemy people are going to eventually push back. The refusal and inability to assimilate can result in open conflict.

Until recently, Jews had avoided much of this hatred in America. This was due to the non-establishment and free exercise clauses of the First Amendment. Without a state religion the Jews and later the Irish and Italian Catholics, were able to become fully American without having to violate their religious conscience. They could, and did, assimilate while keeping their faith. They could participate in all the National holidays since they were almost all secular. And once Christmas became commercialized and secularized, they could participate in the non-religious elements such as gift giving and Santa Claus. All of this allowed a tolerant and unified society that was completely American.

But now things have changed. And the question is why and what? It has come from the idea of victimization. Before this, people were expected to work hard and build a life for themselves. Failure was due to their own weaknesses, lack of talent, or poor decisions. Now it is viewed as the result of oppression. As such, if you fail and another succeeds it must be the result of a rigged system where those who succeed have cheated. Remember the Mario Puzo’s quote from the Godfather, “Behind every great fortune there is a crime.”  This is now accepted as a fact and that means every successful person is a criminal and must be torn down. Since Jewish culture has so many successes then the twisted logic of victimhood means all its people must be evil and therefore destroyed. No need to look for other possible explanations of their success. And no need to look at your own shortcomings.

#Jews, #Antisemitism, #victimhood