About and Welcome

Welcome to the blog From Under the Basket.  The title is from Matthew 5:15 “Nor do they light a lamp and…

Welcome to the blog From Under the Basket.  The title is from Matthew 5:15 “Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket.” This is my attempt to let – as the children’s song goes – this little light of mine I’m going to let it shine. I’m coming out from under the basket that has hidden my light and speak the truth as best I see it.

The main thrust of this blog will be spiritual faith and some Biblical insights I think I’ve gathered, but it won’t be all that I discuss.  I will be touching on a host of topics including: society, art, sports, science, and philosophy, as well as a few short stories I’ve written. I am going to try to avoid politics since there are plenty of political blogs, but the world today seems to be saturated with politics. So, from time to time, I will be forced to touch on the current political situation.

As I try to let my light shine, I hope you will help me in my search for truth and in my telling it. So, if you see me being mistaken, or there was some point I didn’t consider, feel free to comment to help me. But what I don’t want to do is debate. It has been my experience that debates aren’t about finding the truth but about winning. Too often I find myself, and my opponent, looking for ways of what the Native American warriors called “counting coup.” Debates degrade into looking for the best comeback or the best way to beat down the other person. In such cases no one listens, no one learns, and truth is pushed aside.

So come, my friends. Let us reason together and together, seek truth and have our lights shine before the world.