Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness

As I said in my last post, I’ve was reading the Sermon on the Mount using the interlinear Greek available on, and there were a few of the Beatitudes that seeing them in the Greek made me think. In this case the fourth one, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for the will be filled.”

I didn’t really need the interlinear for this one but for some reason the interlinear made it really stand out to me. Notice that Jesus didn’t just say hunger or just thirst. Just one or the other would seem to be sufficient, but he uses both. It seems to me that he is pointing to future teaching. Recall in John chapter six where he feeds the five thousand and then later he tells them that his flesh is real food and his blood is real drink. And at the last supper when he takes the bread and says this is his flesh and the cup and says it is his blood.

I believe Jesus is doing what is called in movies a “set up.”  He is letting his disciples know that righteousness must be taken into you for you to become righteous. And just as food and drink is the source of your bodily strength and health, his flesh and blood are the source of our holiness and spiritual health.

#Beatitudes #Hunger and Thirst