Political Messiahs

There are several friends who assume I’m a Trump man, but I’m really not. Trump was far from my first choice in 2016. As a matter of fact, when there were about fifteen candidates for the GOP nomination, Trump was at best my seventeenth choice. However, I did vote for Trump because I didn’t see any real choice. I had very low expectations for his presidency. All I wanted from him was to keep Hilliary Clinton out of the White House and put a conservative on the Supreme Court in Justice Scalia’s place. After that, I expect him to be as big of disaster as a president as Arnold Schwarzenegger was as California’s governor. I was pleasantly surprised at how affective and conservative he was. I didn’t agree with all decisions and policies, but for the most part I supported him. I want to emphasis; I support most of his policies, not his personality. He is after all a boor, a bore, and a boar (note the different spelling).

However, there was one person who was his ardent fan from the beginning, Ann Coulter. She was also one of the first to desert him and then to damn him. And I wondered why. Then it came to me as I read a few of her articles. She expected Trump to fulfill all his promises and plans immediately after his swearing in. Which when you think about it is a little shocking coming from a trained lawyer who I’m sure studied constitutional law. Our system of checks and balances can assure that no President has the power to do everything he wants. And with Biden in office, we should be glad of that.  So, what was she expecting? I think she wanted a political messiah.

That is a trap all Christians must avoid. We must remember that no politician is our Messiah. Not Gorge Washington, not Abraham Lincoln, not John F. Kennedy, not Ronald Reagan, and not Donald Trump. All of them were, and are, flawed men. So, we cannot expect perfect outcomes or perfect policies. All had unfulfilled promises and failed in meeting all their plans or expectations.

So, my brothers and sisters in Christ, remember we have only one Messiah, Jesus Christ!  We must vote with our whole selves. That means with our faith, our minds, and our judgement, but never expect one man to come in and set everything right. No matter who they are, they will disappoint because they are mere men, not demigods. Our faith can only be in Jesus.

#PoliticalMessiahs, #Trump, #AnnCoulter