Non-Christian Nonsense

A question Christians often hear from non-Christians is, “Why do I have to go through Jesus to reach God?” More often than not this question come for a universalist who sees all religions as being the same. But anyone who has taken even a cursory look at different religions know this is not the case. Even an atheist, such as Bill Maher recognizes this. Moreover, this question shows complete ignorance of Christian belief and theology.

However, the real problem is that Christians often try to answer that question as if it is the most reasonable and insightful question ever asked. When in reality, from the Christion point of view, it is absolute nonsense, and Christians should point that out.

Non-Christians, and some Christians too, fail to recognize who Jesus was. They don’t accept, or forget, what John said in his gospel. “In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God and the Logos was God…And the Logos became flesh.” They also forget that Jesus was also called Emanuel, which means “God with us.”

From the Christians’ point of view, when the non-Christians asks, “Why do I have to go through Jesus to reach God?” What he is really asking is, “Why do I have to go through God to reach God?”

#Jesus, #Nonsense