Can a Loving God Send People to Hell

I’ve heard many, both believers and nonbelievers ask, “How can a loving God send anyone to hell?” To which I respond, “He has to send people to hell because He is a loving God.” I know that surprises you, and it seems like an oxymoron, but let me explain.

First let us consider what hell really is. The best definition comes from Christopher Marlowe’s play Doctor Faustus. In it, Faustus ask Mephistopheles why he isn’t in hell? And Mephistopheles essentially replies that he is hell because he is denied being in the presence of God, and therefore everywhere he goes is hell since God is not there. Matthew reinforces this point in his Gospel (8:12) where Jesus says, “They shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Hell is really being cast out from the presences of God. When that happens, one is denied the spiritual light that comes only from God and is in true darkness.

God is constantly opening His arms inviting everyone to come to Him. However, there are many in this world who want nothing to do with Him. There are those who openly despise and hate Him. For God to force Himself on to those who don’t want Him would be morally reprehensible. To force everyone into heaven would be tantamount to spiritual rape.

My God is not a stalker or a rapist. And being a loving God, He must give those who wish to be away from Him their desire and cast them into hell.

#Loving God #Hell #Marlowe #Doctor Faustus