Christians in Name Only

I’ve been watching the television show Fargo for the last few weeks. I thoroughly enjoyed the previous seasons with all the quirky characters and unusual stories. I was really looking forward to this season since it was starring Juno Templeton and I’ve become a fan after seeing her in Ted Lasso.  But I have to say I’m finding myself loathing this show, not because of the cast’s performances, all the actors have been outstanding but because of the scripts. What I’m hating is the portrayal of men in the show. Especially the Roy Tillman character played by Jon Hamm. He’s the villain of the show and he often quotes, or I should say misquotes, the Bible. That character is what I would call a Chrino, Christian-in-name-only.

There are a lot of Chrinos in American. The Gallup news reported that while over 70% of American’s say they are Christians only 29% say they attend church on a weekly basis, and it is probably even less than that. Christian News reports that less than 14% of “Christians” read the Bible daily. Prof Nancy Pearcey on John Andersons YouTube channel pointed out that most divorces and domestic violence is carried out by these Chrinos, followed by secular households, and then by a very low percentage of true Christians. She went to say that Dr Brad Wilcox from the University of Virgian did a study and found that the wives of Christian men who regularly attend church are by far the happiest wives in America (over 73% said they were happy to extremely happy).

I’m getting tired of these Chrinos giving true Christians a black eye. I’m even more tired of Hollywood portraying all Christians as Chrinos. There use to be and unwritten rule that if a movie or television show had a member of a certain group as the bad guy, they had to also had to show a member of that same group as good guy. If the criminal was an Italian, then one of the cops had to be Italian, and so and so on. Is it too much to have the same thing for Christians. Instead, they’ve turned it into a shorthand, the same way they use Nazi. If you hear a character pray or quote the Bible, you don’t need to watch the rest of the show you know who the villain is and who did or is about to do the crime.

#Fargo #Chrino #John Anderson #Nancy Pearcey #Dr Brad Wilcox